The  step/cover to the engine was badly worn with most of the veneer worn through.  New veneer (African Mahogany) will be applied along with a generous coating of "Honey Teak" product.  Honey Teak is a product of 'Signature Finish' out of Florida.  I am using it to work on some of the interior wood.  So far, it is an excellent product.

Veneer is on, now the next job is to seal with Signature Finish.

Friends Bruce, Mark, and Dale helping with sanding and finishing 

Slats above go in the main cabin above the upper bunks and just below the cabin ceiling.  Picts on left show freshly sanded slats and on the right after 4 coats of Honey Teak@ 

Starboard slats in place.  Bulkhead and sideboards showing have 3 coats of Honey Teak. 

Some more wood work with a couple coats of Honey Teak@.  Boards on the rights are the lee boards for the upper bunks (port & starboard) attached with long piano hinges. 


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